Our market proudly features only locally made, baked, raised or grown products. Grow your local business and become a vendor at our market! Please review the below documents prior to submitting your vendor application:

Rules & Regulations

Market Fees

Temporary Food Market Guidelines

Market Bookings

Please see our Rules & Regulations for the market before starting this application form. By submitting your vendor application this becomes a binding agreement.

Please have all your information ready to complete this form, including any applicable attachments (i.e., letter from Health Authority, MarketSafe or FoodSafe certification, etc., if applicable.)

Returning vendors are required to fill out a new application for every year. This ensures all yearly changes to a vendors product line and new information in the application form is captured. Please re-submit all required information and documents.

Starting in July 2018, the annual Food Action Coalition (FAC) membership fee is $25, which supports FAC initiatives and provides voting rights at their Annual General Meeting.

Membership and stall fees are now payable online when you book your booth!


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